Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Question 1 -- 2016, Capacity Planning

Question 1:A service facility has 6 workstations as ws1, ws2, ws3, ws4, ws5 and ws6. The outputs of ws1 and ws2 are required in the ratio of 2:3 in ws3 to get 5 units of output of ws3. Similarly, the outputs of ws3, ws4 and ws5 are required in the ratio of 4:2:3 in ws6 to get 9 units of output at ws6.
Capacities of these workstations are given as 3000, 4200, 7800, 3200, 5000 and 16000 units/ day respectively.
a)      What is the capacity of this complete service facility?                                         6 marks
b)      How much surplus capacity is available at each of the workstations?                 3 marks
c)      If you are allowed to increase the capacity of any one service station so that overall capacity increases, which service station you will choose for this?                     1 marks

1 comment:

  1. Common mistakes done and marking pattern:
    a) Most common error was related to taking the system capacity as 16000 and computing the capacities of various work stations. Since similar question was there in the class test and you had also put sufficient time to improve the questions, you have been given 0 marks for this error. There were many arbitrary calculations that too got 0. Some got the capacity right but they didn’t re-compute the used capacity of WS1 and WS2 because of underused capacity of WS3. They got 2-3 marks depending on clarity in answer. Few did all the computations right but added the capacities of all the workstations. They got 3. For a conceptually correct answer with some calculation error, there is no marks deduction.

    b) Some students got surplus capacities in all the WS. If this happens you can very well keep the capacity of the system higher. The capacity of the system gets restricted only when at least one of the WS is used to full capacity. Similarly, few students got deficit capacity in WS. That means they are keeping the capacity of the system higher than what it should be. All these have got 0.

    c) If some merit has been shown in part a and b and in this part one has picked a WS with least surplus or highest deficit with proper explanation, I have given full marks.
